We picked two organizations to partner with this Giving Tuesday. Scroll on to learn more about each and hear why we chose them!

* 25% of ALL sales on Giving Tuesday will be split between these two organizations


Coastal Conservation Association South Carolina 

Why CCA?

The partnership with CCA came about very naturally - as much time as we spend on the water we're able to consistently see and experience firsthand the benefits of many of their projects here in our home state of South Carolina. Free Fly is committed to working with groups like CCA that not only benefit waters locally, but also nationwide to enhance fishing opportunity and ecological habitat for healthier resources.

Who Are They? 

CCA South Carolina is a grass roots non-profit dedicated to the conservation of South Carolina’s marine resources. Founded in 1986, CCA SC has a hard earned, well deserved reputation as a leading steward of the Palmetto State and the region’s marine resources. Anglers are widely recognized as some of America’s original conservationist and are deeply concerned about the stewardship of SC’s coast and the future of our marine resources. Through CCA SC leadership, conservation has become a more vigorous & compelling public concern. There is no more effective way for individuals to play a role than through an organization that has professional staff, research capacity, and communication capacity to channel energy & enthusiasm for conservation advocacy towards a productive end. All of CCA SC's work directly translates to better recreational opportunities for fisherman and outdoorsman!



Just a few Highlights of CCA SC's Projects:

  • In the last ten years, CCA SC has secured funding and material for the deployment of 14 nearshore & offshore artificial reefs off the Palmetto State coast, with a goal of another 30 by 2030. 
  • deployed 43,882 bushels of oyster shell (65,495 bags) at 63 oyster reef restoration sites along South Carolina's coast since 2009
  • In the last ten years, have invested over one million dollars in habitat projects, scientific research, equipment donations, and volunteer hours in on the ground improvements in the Palmetto State’s marine environment.

Click here to learn more and become a member of CCA today!


 OneWorld Health

Why OWH?

You may remember our friends from OneWorld Health, who were the driving force behind our Nicaragua AdventureBased on our personal and local connections with their organization, we felt a great need to stay in contact with them - especially in light of the health crisis this year. Not only are they dealing with a pandemic situation in a healthcare impoverished setting, new challenges arise daily with the addition of natural disasters. Most recently, a back to back blow by hurricanes Iota and Eta have brought forth all new challenges to providing aide for those in need in Central America. 

In Light of Recent Events

Central America has been dramatically impacted by two major hurricanes in the past few weeks. Most recently, Hurricane Iota made landfall along the Nicaragua and Honduras border just a week after Hurricane Eta. These two hurricanes make up two of the region’s strongest direct hits in recorded history.

Dozens are reported to have lost their lives, tens of thousands have been displaced from their homes and the destruction is widespread. The impact on people's health will be long-lasting as water sources have been compromised, food chains have been disrupted and an already crippled economy has taken another hit.

OneWorld Health is mobilizing immediate direct medical relief efforts alongside their church, community and NGO (non-governmental organization) partners on the ground in both Nicaragua and Honduras. 



Covid-19 Relief

As the value of medical expertise increased through the pandemic, the amount of available access to medical facilities has seen a dramatic decrease. In Uganda and Honduras, lockdowns made it extremely challenging to get a permit to travel, even for medical conditions. In Nicaragua, lack of information caused a general wariness of medical facilities. To meet the needs of those communities, OneWorld Health launched free telehealth services and a COVID-19 Screener tool. Thousands of people have engaged in these services, allowing them to get reliable information and care in a safe setting that would have otherwise been unattainable. 

In the midst of COVID-19 OneWorld Health has maintained its impact!

  • Over 35,000 patients seen in our facilities since April 1
  • Treated more than 21,500 patients through our telehealth and screener platforms since April 1. 
  • Have impacted more than 375,000 individuals with our Public Health programs since Aug. 1

Click here to learn how you can help!