Being based in Charleston, SC we are extremely fortunate to have access to some amazing outdoor opportunities without traveling too far out of town. While we can be guilty of taking this for granted, the simplicity of limited travel options has definitely allowed us to get reacquainted with our backyard. Home Waters means something different for everyone; whether its a neighborhood pond that you grew up fishing or a trail through the woods, we hope through these restricted travel times you’ve been able to deepen your connection with those places that ignited your love for the outdoors. One of our earliest Free Fly shoot locations just so happens to remain as one of our most favorite, no matter where else we have roamed over the years. So with a handful of negative Covid tests and a few friends, we decided to head back out to Flatfish Island for a small group hang out. Scroll on to check out why we love spending a day on our Home Waters.  


Fishing the Flood

The rush of scanning for fish in the grass never fades. Our longtime Ambassador, Captain Johnny, joined us to look for tails on the flood tide. 


On the Board

The first fish was tailing hard, with its nose in the mud. Johnny positioned our friend Meg into a casting position and she made the shot. Her shrimp landed on the money, and was instantly inhaled. 


Stuck Another

Meg took a turn on the poling platform and Johnny grabbed a rod. He quickly found another fish cruising the flat and stretched out a cast in its path. 


Taking it Easy

Once the tide dropped out, we motored our way to Flatfish Island to relax, enjoy some drinks, and light some charcoal. It was great to responsibly reconnect with good friends, and enjoy the waters we call home.