When it comes to having a good time out on the ocean, few people do it better than Ambassador Jenny Tates. Pick any one of these tips, show up with sunnies, your favorite Free Fly, and you're 100% guaranteed to have a darn good time.
Get Out on The Ocean in Free Fly Apparel

1. Find a Fishing Buddy
Don’t get me wrong, exploring waters on your own can be extremely therapeutic and rewarding but finding a good fishing buddy is also the best. Ever high five someone after landing a fish “together”? The emotion is high for both anglers. Sharing in these experiences connects friends on a whole other level. Together you experience the slow times, the ones that got away, and the highest of highs.

2. Catch the Sunrise
Who needs sleep during the summer when it’s fish feeding time? I absolutely love catching the sunrise on the ocean. It’s incredibly peaceful and transcendent. Add a blitz of feeding fish as the sun is coming up and you’ll understand why the startling alarm and groggy wake up is always worth it. If you end up staying out and catching some sun rays, we recommend bringing additional sun protective clothing with you.

3. Grab a Cold One
There are times when I’m on a mission on the water and other times just I want to grab a cold one and enjoy mother ocean. Most often it’s the latter. Nothing beats a refreshing beverage during or after a great day on the water. Keep the cooler stocked and spirits high.

4. Reggae Mon’
A good playlist sets the tone. I get a lot of heat for the amount of reggae that I listen to on the ocean but it’s my happy place. Point being, don’t take fly fishing too seriously. Yes, fish can spook with noise...but other times they just want to hang too.

5. Change It Up
Break old habits and change it up. Explore new waters or switch up your “go to” fly. In order to have a good time you have to embrace the journey. Some of the best days are the unexpected ones. There’s no such thing as a bad day on the water.
About the Author:
Jenny is a Free Fly Fishing Ambassador and a New Englander with a love for the ocean. There's no place she'd rather be than on the water in search of everything and nothing at the same time, especially with a fly rod in hand.
Fantastic blog guys! Some of these fly fishing spots are amazing.
I write up on my blog also about fly fishing at https://getflyfishing.com
Tight lines!